Reading Hebrews 11 verses 1 to 10
Where do we all fit in?
In life we often need to discover faith in something to
carry us forward on our journey. We need to have confidence that someone or
something is there that others have discovered and tapped into, some thing that
is enlightening to our lives.
I wonder if you have seen the rather silly advert with a
donkey following a carrot on a stick on television lately? It depicts a rather
old shriveled up little carrot much prized by the donkey until a mole makes a
comment implying that it is rather dried up and just an old carrot. The donkey
then loses faith in its value. He finally sees it as just a dried up shriveled
old carrot. Eats the carrot and becomes depressed.
I wonder what this advert tells us about faith? For some of
us the faith we follow might be a shriveled up old thing that is no longer
providing sustenance? Perhaps we like the donkey have forgotten the point of
the carrot in the first place. We equally may have even like the donkey seems
to have done gone off solo without an owner and so no longer have a provider of
fresh carrots?
We need to examine, when did a carrot become something to
follow? In the great scheme of evolution at some point donkeys discovered it
seems a love of carrots. Then along came humans who discovered that dangling a
lush carrot on a string in front of a donkey all day got the donkey to follow
and do things. This it seems dates back to the 1700s. But the donkey in the hay
day (ops bad pun) got its carrot replaced because it got to eat it at the end
of the day and a new one was on a string the next day to follow. The donkey had faith in the carrot as a
reward for endeavor.
Faith is like that carrot; we discovered a love of having
faith in our evolution of life, humanity found it sustained. Refreshed daily it
enabled humanity to work and to achieve great things. But like the donkey in
the advert some times humanity starts to just follow and not to consume its
carrot. Keeping the drying up little carrot as a trophy rather than as
sustenance for daily energy.
Now before we go on I want to ask does it have to be a
carrot? How about a parsnip? Or an Onion? Well actually I discovered donkeys as
a whole dislike parsnips and onions are unadvisable. The ideal treat is
apparently the Carrot closely followed by apples, bananas, pears, turnips and
swedes are all safe and usually popular with donkeys!
So it is not surprising that the carrot donkey story Is well
known being based upon proven fact not fiction. It is not the main feed of a
donkey, but a supplement to its diet that gives revitalization. The best treat for a donkey is a carrot, and
other than perhaps a banana is the easiest to simply tie on a string.
Is our faith like the carrot on a string? If we accept the
analogy we need to ask where are we getting our supply of carrots from or are
we holding onto a dried up shriveled trophy rather than having a refreshed
carrot. Maybe we have no carrots and are being enticed to keep going with a
banana or another vegetable or fruit perhaps not a native one to our location.
You see the analogy I am trying to picture is one built up of a culture and
experience in our native land of England. Now were I addressing a country where
bananas were plentiful the analogy might not work. But there is something about
the humble carrot story in our culture and climate that allows the story to
make sense.
We do not particularly know where carrots originated but we
know they are certainly cultivated here, we know they have different strains or
varieties. We know they grow in our climate and are a plentiful source of food
good for not just donkeys but humans and other creatures all can derive
nutrition and indeed life is itself sustained by them.
A recent tweet from Bank St Unitarians states.. We are
called "Unitarian" because of our historical insistence on divine
unity, the oneness of God. This is our carrot!!
This is our historical incentive, which we have been
following and others have come to accept as the strain of food that will
encourage and sustain us. Our carrot has been farmed and grown for centuries
and may be considered a derivative of other strains of carrot but it has never
been a banana. It has never been an apple. It is intrinsically different to a
parsnip although it shares many similarities it is a different colour and consistency.
The question we need to ask ourselves is not should we change our ancient
traditional treat of a daily carrot, but how to get fresh carrots to sustain
and encourage us in our journeys of life.
Now I don’t want to insult anyone, but for myself I have no
problem with identifying as a donkey. I can be stubborn; I will doggedly keep
going when others stop. It is even rumored I carry a cross on my back. I enjoy
a good carrot or two as well. Some rather rude people might say I have big ears
as well; I shall leave that for you to consider. I am also not exactly built
for speed either. OK stop laughing enough of comparisons.. There are some
pretty noble things about associating myself with a donkey. Of all the equine
species from Shetland pony’s to zebras and so on, perhaps there is much to be
said by associating the Historical strain of Unitarians whose insistence is on
divine unity and the oneness of God, with Donkeys.
We are not a plentiful breed here; but we still exist.
Historically we have diminished in numbers and perhaps others consider us less
noble than bigger cousins like horses. We are less easily led than some animals
and ways of getting a donkey to work are harder because of our stubborn nature!
Had we not had a stubborn nature our congregations would have closed long ago.
Our carrot has kept us going and yet in some ways we have been tempted to
include bananas and apples and so on as substitutes when our carrot supply ran
short. But our carrot is our ideal treat and reinstated we would soon enjoy
what works best for us again.
In terms of our Object as Unitarians “To promote a free and
inquiring religion through the worship of God and the celebration of life; the
service of humanity and respect for all creation and the upholding of the liberal
Christian tradition.
The bit I see as the carrot is the last six words of our
“Upholding of the liberal Christian tradition” is to my mind
where my carrot analogy fits best. In Unitarian circles recently it has almost
become unfashionable to feed on the tradition of a liberal Christianity. There are those who no longer want us to
look to our past evolved theology, our carrot and want us to have a different
perspective. They see us having a shriveled up old trophy of no real value such
as depicted in the advert. The reason for this is simply that they do not see
the carrot as the best incentive. Perhaps they have not been carried on by it
on a string slightly out of reach and perhaps we have stopped renewing the
carrot? Perhaps they are used to a banana or another faith perspective.
What sustains us is not just what I see as the carrot. “To
promote a free and inquiring religion through the worship of God and the
celebration of life; the service of humanity and respect for all-“ for we do not
live by carrot alone. It is as I say the best treat for a donkey. It may well
be that we are not all donkeys as I seem to find most that sustains my interest
and perseverance in fresh insights of old traditions. Maybe In a now mixed
stable I am the donkey who has the carrot in sight, while other companions are
only looking at apples or have developed a liking for parsnips or are busy
eating hay.
But upholding of the liberal Christian tradition is
where I find my faith encouraged. You know our predecessors in the Unitarian
past found the carrot their means of faith as well. Perhaps we have been to
ready to remove the need for theology at depth from Unitarian study, for it is
here that I find fresh carrots to keep me going. I see in our old meetinghouses
and chapels a theology is there in the very structures. We are the privileged inheritors of
generations of those who sought to be liberal in their evaluations of
scriptures they cherished. They took a pride in doing theology rather than
blatantly using scripture at face value.
It coloured their outlook on life, it nourished their souls and drove
them on to the service and betterment of all humanity. I for one am still
feeding on that carrot. For that is the basis of the faith that sustains me!
How we view our tradition is rather like the donkey advert I
mentioned, there are those who just see a shriveled up old carrot. There are
those who have stopped looking for a fresh carrot and wandered away from
upholding a liberal Christian tradition in a deeper sense, they have stopped
being refreshed by that sense of excitement at being connected to our
historical past. A past that is a proven sustenance of faith to keep us going!
What ever we might see God as, and that includes those who
are atheist. What ever language we may use, It is in the oneness that we find
unity. It is in seeing that which previous generations termed the divine that
something; beyond our humanity is identified. It is an assurance found In our
generation that others followed this path of life with faith. Their treat and
ours is that carrot called faith. A faith that speaks to us today from the past
legacy provided and one that can be stored up to be passed on, one that we can
also pass on to other generations yet to come.
It is a unique factor of Unitarians that we value many
expressions of faith, and that is quite right. While for me my carrot is that
upholding of the liberal Christian tradition, I can see how others whose life
experience is not to follow a carrot can find paths of ways to spirituality
without my carrot. But my carrot is important to me and going back to the
advert to lose faith in shall we say carrot farming and grow other crops will
not be my ideal. I believe my job is to make others see in my carrot that which
I value for it sustains my journey of life. Teaching a liberal Christian
tradition is what I do best. Implicit within much of our Unitarian ways of
doing things is that upholding of the liberal Christian tradition. I see it
like a carrot as the ideal and it spurs me on. The question I want to leave you
with is do you see value in my carrot?
It is my faith, it is wonder it is connection with past
generations who for generations were spurred on by it. In my innermost self I
feel comforted by upholding a liberal Christian Tradition. In this country
those are our roots and should we sever them then we will lose our continuity
and the wealth of nutrition that has sustained Unitarians for generations.
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